As seen in Townhall


In September, 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that consumer electric bills rose 15.8 percent year-over-year, the largest increase since 1981. As winter descends on the northeast, utility companies are trying to prepare customers for extreme spikes in energy rates. And while it’s easy to open your monthly bill and curse the public utility that mailed it, the truth is, many of these price hikes are the result of bad ideas and policy coming out of Washington, D.C.

Unfortunately, it is now being reported that Biden is thinking of nominating Commissioner Allison Clements to serve as the next FERC Chair. Clements would bring all of Glick’s policy baggage to the post. She supported his “draft” pipeline regulation. She would also add unresolved ethic concerns.

As a FERC Commissioner, Clements privately briefed donors to her former employer, the Energy Foundation, an environmental advocacy group. And, according to Fox News, “A top Biden administration official briefed a ‘funders only’ event hosted earlier this year by the Energy Foundation, her former employer, according to records obtained by an energy policy group. Allison Clements, a Democratic commissioner on the five-member Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), ultimately agreed to attend the Jan. 10 funder event despite an Energy Foundation official suggesting her presence might be ‘inappropriate,’ according to text messages and emails obtained by the Institute for Energy Research (IER) and shared with Fox News Digital.”

Other FERC emails obtained by the Institute for Energy Research (IER) via a Freedom of Information Act request “showed Clements consulted with leaders at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), another climate group she previously worked for. In April, Clements met privately with Manish Bapna, the NRDC’s president and CEO, according to the records,” Fox News further reported.


Read the full article here, at Townhall

Read documents uncovered by IER’s FOIA lawsuits against FERC here.