September 17, 2008
Brian Kennedy (202) 621-2951

Washington, D.C. – Last night, the House of Representatives passed a new “energy” bill.  This continued a seemingly endless debate over proposals dubbed as energy solutions, though most produce little if any of the energy their titles seem to promise. Thomas Pyle, president of the Institute for Energy Research (IER), issued the following statement:

“For months now, energy prices have been draining the budgets of American families while Congress just keeps talking and talking. Instead of crafting legislation that removes government barriers to increased domestic energy production, policymakers have accomplished nothing. America needs more American crude oil, but Washington just keeps peddling snake oil.”

“The beneficiary of this critical failure is OPEC. The leading energy proposals in Washington will lead to higher prices, additional tax burdens for American families, and even greater dependence on imports from unstable foreign regimes. None of these measures will grow the size of American energy supplies, but they will surely grow the size of government bureaucracy.”

The proposal passed by the House yesterday:

Click here for the latest version of the bill.

Click here for IER’s Analysis of the bill.

The Institute for Energy Research (IER) is a not-for-profit public foundation that conducts intensive research and analysis on the functions, operations, and government regulation of global energy markets.  Founded in 1989, IER is funded entirely by tax deductible contributions from individuals, foundations and corporations. No financial support is sought or accepted from government (taxpayers).


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