Why is President Obama still keeping these resources under lock and key?

Washington, DC – Today, Rasmussen Reports released a poll finding that nearly 70 percent of Americans support responsible offshore energy exploration and production. Thomas J. Pyle, president of the non-partisan Institute for Energy Research (IER), issued this statement:

“The American public understand full-well that energy stability and security and economic strength and prosperity are underpinned by access to reliable supplies of oil and gas. Today’s report not only reinforces what most of the American people already believe, but should also serve at a wake-up call to the Administration, which should move forward aggressively with a commonsense 5-year offshore energy plan.

“America’s oil and gas industry represents nearly 7 percent of the U.S. economy and accounts for more than 9 million permanent, good-paying jobs. Unlocking our nation’s offshore energy reserves could create over one million family-supporting jobs at a time when they’re desperately needed. At the same time, increasing American energy production will help drive down and stabilize prices for struggling families, senior and small businesses, helping to strengthen America’s ability to compete in the global economy.”


  • Click HERE to view the full Rasmussen poll on-line.
  • Click HERE to view a comprehensive offshore energy economic analysis.

    For additional information, please contact Patrick Creighton, 202-621-2947, or Laura Henderson, 202-621-2951.
