August 19, 2008
Brian Kennedy (202) 434-8200

“While Congress is on Vacation”
IER Launches 5-State Energy Education Ad Campaign

Washington, DC – The Institute for Energy Research (IER) today launched a five-state print and radio advertising campaign designed to educate consumers on America’s energy resources and the need to increase domestic supplies to help create jobs, grow the economy, and lower energy costs for American families.  Thomas Pyle, president, issued the following statement:

“Liberal activists have treated American energy like a four-letter word for decades, even though it’s the key to our prosperity and our high standards of living in the United States,” Pyle said.  “These individuals and organizations would have American citizens believe that their country is running out of oil and natural gas, that what does remain cannot be produced safely, and that development would only have a negligible effect on price.  These assertions are patently false.”

“Our ads highlight the fact that America has enough onshore and offshore energy resources to meet our needs for at least another century and – with 21st century technologies at our disposal – they can be developed safely for the benefit of consumers and the economy.  All we need is the political will in Washington to start putting these resources to work for our families, our economy, and our national security.”

Click here for IER’s featured radio and print advertisements, running in Arkansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, and North Dakota.  Script highlights follow:

  • “Congress Doesn’t Care”

“The U.S. has more untapped oil than the entire world has consumed in the last 150 years, and the capability to develop these resources safely and responsibly.  Developing these domestic energy supplies could reduce oil and natural gas prices, but politicians in Washington have failed to act.  They went on vacation instead.  Most other nations around the world allow offshore oil drilling. How much longer are American families going to suffer?”

  • “Home Heating”

“If you think things are bad at the pump, just wait until you get your home heating bill this winter.  But Washington has a chance to increase American energy production now. Federal bans that prevent drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf and the American West are set to expire October 1.  If Congress allows the off shore drilling bans to expire, America will be able to expand exploration for new sources of much needed oil.  And that is exactly what our country needs—more sources of energy.  Drilling for oil in these areas will create jobs, increase energy production in the U.S. and will lead to more affordable gas prices and home heating bills.”

  • “Gas Prices”

“Gas prices are higher than ever, and Americans are paying for decades of failed energy policies.
But now…after years of inaction…politicians are scrambling to find ways to increase American energy production.  In the meantime, federal bans that prevent drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf and the American West are set to expire on October 1.  Letting the bans end will open these American resources to oil exploration.  And that is exactly what our country needs.”

The Institute for Energy Research (IER) is a not-for-profit public foundation that conducts intensive research and analysis on the functions, operations, and government regulation of global energy markets.  Founded in 1989, IER is funded entirely by tax deductible contributions from individuals, foundations and corporations. No financial support is sought or accepted from government (taxpayers).


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