Connect With The Institute For Energy Research

Welcome! Thank you for taking a moment at the OPA Annual Meeting to learn more about the Institute for Energy Research (IER). By providing your contact information below, you’ll receive critical tools to help you advocate for our American energy resources.

As a member of the oil and gas community, you understand the challenges better than most people. You also understand how vital your work is to fuel the American way of life.

IER, along with our sister organization the American Energy Alliance, advocates for you, the oil and gas community, fighting for the energy policies that fuel American freedom, strength, and prosperity. We do this by publishing high-quality, fact-based research and communicating it to a broad audience, ensuring your voice is heard and your interests are protected.

Here are some examples of recent efforts that you may find valuable:

• North American Energy Inventory – This report proves that the U.S. has abundant oil and gas resources and that policy, not geology, is the biggest impediment to a vibrant energy future. Sen. John Barrasso, Rep. Dan Newhouse, Rep. Pete Stauber, and economist Steve Moore have praised it.

• Save Our Cars Coalition – IER leads a 41-member (and growing) coalition to stop the Biden gas car ban. We work together to fight for freedom of vehicle choice.

• Environmental Quality Index – This study demonstrates that the U.S. is the cleanest major producer of oil and gas in the world. Federal and state lawmakers have used it to defeat environmental groups in court.

We would love to get these resources into your hands. Please fill out the form below so we can send them to you. You can be assured that IER will not sell or trade your contact information.

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Thank you again for your time. We look forward to sharing our work, seeing you this week, and getting to know you better.

Thomas J. Pyle








Lisa Wallace
Senior Vice President

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