WASHINGTON DC (January 24, 2020) – Today, the Institute for Energy Research (IER) announced it would make Hard Facts: An Energy Primer available to all mayors attending the 88th Annual Meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors held in Washington D.C. this week.

The report provides an in-depth analysis of America’s energy resources and its significance to the economy and aims to ground policy conversations with facts, not fantasy. IER maintains too few in America, be it policymaker or citizen, fully grasp the nation’s current energy story. That situation, the organization argues, is ripe for myths and misunderstandings, which can only be cleared up with indisputable facts.

Thomas Pyle, President of the Institute for Energy Research (IER), released the following statement directed at the mayors in Washington D.C. for this conference.

“Our mayors are ripe for deceit and should be very cautious about any energy policy coming out of Washington right now. The names of these schemes seem to keep changing, but their respective results appear the same. Any proposal that attempts to up end energy free-markets should be labeled what is, ‘destructive.’

“Energy drives everything in America, and proposals that restrict the use of America’s resources in favor of more expensive and unreliable alternative sources must be rejected. Affordable, reliable energy is the foundation of a free and prosperous society and that’s universal across every level of government.”

Hard Facts is a comprehensive energy primer that provides and essential foundation for a more informed discussion about American energy policy and IER staff stand ready to educate all elected officials about the importance of free-market energy policies. Americans, including our elected officials at every level of government, must recognize that the United States has access to an abundance of energy resources that can continue to provide its citizens and allies around the world with reliable and affordable energy provided our policy framework emphasizes the institutions of a free society: private property, competitive market exchange, and the rule of law.





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