American families, U.S. competitiveness shortchanged by shortsighted proposal

Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee passed a global warming bill. Following the panel’s vote, Thomas J. Pyle, president of the non-partisan, pro-market Institute for Energy Research (IER), issued this statement:

“The winners today are rent-seeking corporations, Washington special interests and our global competitors, especially China. The timing of this vote – which will weaken America’s ability to compete in the global economy – is particularly ironic, given that just yesterday a U.S. global warming envoy official told Congress that ‘No country holds the fate of the Earth in its hands more than China.’

“Enacting burdensome policies – such as cap-and-trade – will drive energy prices up and make it more difficult to create jobs, wealth and prosperity here in the U.S. China’s hand, however, will only grow stronger, as they continue to aggressively access and develop all forms of energy in their country and across the world. This, in large part, is what has enabled their enormous economic growth and expansion.

“While the members of this committee who voted to advance this legislation may attempt to downplay their vote to increase energy costs for American families, seniors and small businesses as an inside-the-beltway procedural motion, the fact remains that job-killing, carbon regulating legislation has cleared a major hurtle and is a major step closer to becoming law.”

For additional information, please contact Patrick Creighton, 202-621-2947, or Laura Henderson, 202-621-2951.


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