WASHINGTON D.C. — The Institute for Energy Research recently launched its Federal Energy Spending Tracker — www.energysubsidies.org — designed to provide policymakers, government officials, researchers, journalists, and the general public greater access to data about taxpayer-funded energy subsidies. It has quickly become recognized as a critical tool for promoting government transparency for energy spending. The database, which was unveiled on June 4, 2013, has already received endorsements from major government transparency and accountability groups. The following is what others are saying about IER’s Federal Energy Spending Tracker:

Dan Epstein
Executive Director, Cause of Action

“The Federal Energy Spending Tracker is a useful tool for those researching energy related federal government spending. By combining data into an easily navigable online resource, the public is offered a new way to review how the government is spending their taxpayer dollars.”


Hudson Hollister
Executive Director, Data Transparency Coalition

“The fastest way to government accountability is to offer citizens full, user-friendly access to searchable government data. The federal government has failed to deliver a user-friendly means of searching through energy subsidy data. Although available if you knew exactly where and how to look, this information had only been discoverable by experts. Thanks to the IER’s Federal Energy Spending Tracker, anyone who knows how to use a browser can now see what U.S. taxpayers are spending on energy subsidies. I hope the Federal Energy Spending Tracker gets plenty of use by interested citizens, watchdogs, and media – and I hope it can be expanded to more obscure categories of spending and more sophisticated analytics as funding allows.”


Tom Fitton
President, Judicial Watch

“The American people deserve to know how their tax dollars are being spent.  IER’s Federal Energy Spending Tracker is a useful tool in promoting government transparency.”


Thomas A. Schatz
President, Citizens Against Government Waste

“At a time when energy companies such as Solyndra and First Solar have received billions of dollars in profligate and unmerited federal subsidies, it is now more important than ever that taxpayers be able to monitor how their money is being spent.  By providing access to a list of all federal subsidies given to energy producers and energy products during the last four fiscal years, the Institute for Energy Research’s Federal Energy Spending Tracker is a vital tool in the effort to make federal spending more transparent and members of Congress more accountable.”


To visit the database, click here.



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