Nov. 10, 2011
Dan Kish 202.621.2959


Obama Administration Plays Keystone Cops with US Jobs and Energy by Delaying Keystone XL

Amid news reports that the Obama State Department will delay the 20,000 shovel-ready jobs the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada would mean for Americans, the President of the Institute for Energy Research today released the following statement:

“It is hard to believe that a president who claims to support American jobs and calls daily for congress to pass legislation to create more jobs will postpone the private creation of 20,000 good-paying American jobs building the Keystone XL pipeline” said Tom Pyle, President of the Institute for Energy Research.

“The Keystone XL is not just a job and wealth creator for the US, it represents a new source of secure energy from our largest trading partner, Canada, and will reduce imports from other less secure regions of the world the president says must be reduced.  The Administration has had more than three years to consider this plan. If the Administration delays this already-delayed jobs and energy investment, Americans need to remember this winter, when consumers of home heating oil will be paying the highest prices ever to keep their homes warm,” Pyle added.

“If the President decides to slap our #1 trading partner, friend and ally Canada in the face, he should be ashamed of himself.  The fact that it will cost jobs, investment and good faith with our closest ally should worry all Americans,” Pyle said.

The Keystone XL pipeline would deliver about 31,500,000 gallons of oil to US consumers daily, reducing the need for imports of an equal amount.

The Institute for Energy Research also pointed out that delay would be consistent with President Obama’s track record stopping energy at every turn by citing some examples:

  • An offshore moratorium that continues to cost jobs and revenue;
  • Blocking oil exploration in Alaska, both on- and offshore;
  • A new 5 year offshore leasing plan that essentially mirrors the moratorium lifted by public demand in 2008 by the president and congress;
  • The lowest revenue numbers for new sales of federal oil and gas leases on record during FY 2011;
  • Pursuing federal intrusion into States’ proper authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing used in almost all oil and gas wells in the US;
  • Cancelling an oil shale leasing program mandated by congress until after the 2012 elections – 5 years late in violation of the law;
  • His policy of “bankrupting coal companies” by every means necessary;
  • New taxes and regulatory burdens on US energy production which drive investment and jobs abroad; among others.