Colorado Renewable Electricity Mandate Status

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Renewable Mandate Status: On Track

  • 2009 Estimated Qualified Renewable Percentage: 5.7%[i]
  • 2009 Mandate: 5%
  • 2020 Mandate: 10%

Eligible Resources: solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, new hydroelectricity with a nameplate rating of ten megawatts or less, and hydroelectricity in existence on January 1, 2005 with a nameplate rating of thirty megawatts or less.

Compliance schedule:[ii]

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Renewable Portfolio History: Colorado was the first US state to create a RPS by ballot initiative in November 2004. This initiative originally required utilities serving 40,000 or more to generate or purchase renewable-energy for 10% of sales. HB 1281 in March 2007 increased the RPS and extended requirements to cooperatives. HB1001 in March 2010 increased RPS for investor-owned utilities to 30% by 2020.[iii]

  • Each KWh of eligible renewable energy generated in-state, other than retail distributed generation, receives 125% credit for compliance purposes. Every KWh of eligible renewable energy generated from a community-based project receives 150% compliance credit.[iv]

Credit Trading: Yes

Noncompliance penalty: The PUC determines how much compliance would have cost and requires to the utility to pay that amount, but the utility may not recover the cost from customers.[v]

Electricity Price Ranking: 21st Highest[vi]

  • 9.14 cents/KWh in Colorado
  • 7.67 cents/KWh in non-mandated states

[i] Energy Information Administration, Electricity Generation 2009,

[ii] Code of Col. Regulations 723-3-3654 (July 2, 2006),

[iii] Database of state Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency, Colorado,

[iv] Code of Col. Regulations 723-3-3654 (July 2, 2006),

[v] 4 Code of Colorado Regulations 723:3: Rules Regulating Electric Utilities,

[vi] EIA, Electric Power Monthly, Table 5.6.B., Average Retail Price of Electricity, June 2010, Released Sept. 15, 2010,

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