WASHINGTON D.C. — IER President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in advance of a July 28 protest of safe hydraulic fracturing technologies that have unlocked vast shale deposits, lowered energy costs, and promoted energy independence. The event is backed by Bill McKibben, who has openly declared war on American energy, Josh Fox, the director of a recent film that distorts the truth about hydraulic fracturing, and Professor Cornel West, an avowed socialist and philosopher teaching at Princeton University, among others.

“Despite the claims of the anti-energy activists who will convene at the nation’s capitol this weekend, study after study has shown that hydraulic fracturing is safe. To date, no federal agency has produced evidence of groundwater contamination, a fact admitted by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson on numerous occasions. The rally organizers have a long and storied history of opposing affordable energy development in the United States — from blocking the Keystone XL pipeline to restricting access to public lands. With a copy of Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ in their hands and deceitful propaganda plastered on their posters, these activists will create another street-theater that attempts to conceal the truth about America’s energy potential. Thanks to hydraulic fracturing, the American people now benefit from affordable, domestically-produced energy and millions of good-paying jobs,” Pyle said.

“The U.S. constitution affords every person the right to peaceably assemble in the nation’s capital, but it doesn’t guarantee they’ll tell the truth. The policies that these activists wish to impose on America would leave us impoverished economically, weakened globally, and they would forever extinguish the lights in the shining city on a hill.”

To read Pyle’s op-ed in the Washington Times, entitled “Natural Gas Naysayers Ignore The Facts,” click here.


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