WASHINGTON — On Thursday, May 10, three Trump transition team leaders — Shirley Ybarra (Department of Transportation), Myron Ebell (Environmental Protection Agency), and Thomas Pyle (Department of Energy) — jointly encouraged President Trump to stay the course with the reforms of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) mandate. IER President Thomas Pyle has issued the following statement:

“The CAFE mandate is a vestige of a bygone era of perceived scarcity. American energy production has eliminated the basis for the CAFE mandate and the American public has rejected it through their choices of vehicles. My fellow signatories and I thank the president for taking on the mandate and encourage him to face down California’s Democratic political machine. As we have said before, decisions about what kinds of cars people drive should be made consumers, not by bureaucrats making backroom deals.”

CLICK HERE to read the full text of the letter.