WASHINGTON — Today, Institute for Energy Research President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to the Environmental Protection Agency tightening federal standards for ground-level ozone:

“President Obama’s ozone regulation is another gut punch to poor and middle class families. Just as EPA admitted its carbon regulation will inflict pain on low-income and minority populations, the president’s ozone regulation will cause undue burden on those who can least afford it.

“As local officials across the country point out, further ozone restrictions will harm economic development in communities already struggling to recover from the Obama economy. By further harming the economy, this regulation will make it harder for local communities to fix their roads and build new schools, small business owners to keep their doors open, and manufacturers to bring back jobs from overseas. Meanwhile, new EPA data, released without so much as a press release, show once again that ozone emissions continue to decline without more federal intervention.

“Just as Obama’s carbon regulation has little to do with climate change, Obama’s ozone regulation has little to do with ozone. America’s ozone levels are declining, yet EPA responds with more regulation. Obama’s ozone and carbon schemes are designed to centralize power and control in Washington, invite federal bureaucrats into every aspect of our daily lives, and fulfill the president’s goal to ‘fundamentally transform’ America.”

To learn more about EPA’s new ozone regulation, click here.

To learn more about the local communities and minority leaders opposed to the ozone regulation, click here.
